
Ongoing maintenance should be factored into your boating budget and form part of your annual servicing and repair regime.

It is a common misnomer that trailers are merely “A Necessary Evil” whereas in reality, it is a vital piece of equipment for your boating enjoyment. After all, breaking down on the motorway is not a happy situation and a total waste of boating hours.
Naturally with new trailers everything should be fine, however, it should also be Fit For Purpose i.e. Road Legal for the boat it is transporting and within the capacity of the towing vehicle.

Ongoing maintenance should be factored into your boating budget and form part of your annual servicing and repair regime.

At CTC Marine & Leisure our servicing includes checking the operation and condition of the braking system (if applicable) wheel bearings, suspension units/axles, wheels & tyres, lights, coupling and general trailer condition. We carry a comprehensive range of spares to cater for this.

Safety is Not expensive it’s Priceless!


CTC MARINE & LEISURE offers clients the Total Package